Road Trip Pt. 5 - College Place, WA

June 3, 2007 - Sunday 
Category: Travel and Places

Just put up some more pictures of the adventure.  Yesterday, mom and I conquered Bogus Basin, including a double-black diamond called Inspiration!  The summer challenge has more to do with blazing a trail through the dense and rough foliage that over takes the place with the absence of snow.  Anyway, awesome views up there!  Beautiful!  My favorite part was just taking a few minutes at the top to reflect and enjoy the views.

As we made the windy descent back down into Boise, we decided we also wanted to check out Lizard Butte--another famous landmark in the area.  AH, that reminds me.  I didn't put any pictures up of that because they were on Mom's camera.  Anyway, that was cool--great view of the Snake River and farmland and more mountains that I don't know how to spell.  On the top of the hill is a big cross, adding to the unique scene.

We skipped out on the hot springs idea because we were so sunburned, and as Jamie pointed out, it was a bit hot anyway (been in the upper 90's).  We spent the night at Jamie's house, who showed us wonderful hospitality even with a busy Sabbath coming up for her.  After catching most of church at Gem State (graduation weekend), we headed up to Walla Walla where my grandmother lives.  We spent the afternoon just hanging around talking (Amanda came over), and then this evening went to this elderly gentleman's place who has a hummingbird sanctuary in his backyard! It was incredible! You could get within inches of them drinking at dozens of feeders.  Saw three different kinds of them.

Sorry this is so short and not very exciting.  I need to go to bed.  We'll be here til Monday morning, so we can catch up some more on rest. That's always nice too. :)


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