AK Stands for Alaska

6:00 PM  August 13, 2006 - Sunday                  
Current mood:  hungry

Hey, I went to Alaska! The state with the same initials as me! For the whole month of July, my dad, grandmother and I  took a huge road trip from Walla Walla, WA up through British Columbia, Yukon Territores, and Alaska.  We saw black bears, grizzly bears, moose (or is the plural "meese" we wondered?), whales, caribou, red fox, lots of native birds, bald eagles, glaciers, mountains, tundra, "the inner passage" by ferry, Mt. McKinley (Denali) because the clouds parted for us as an answer to prayer, Alaskan shacks (they don't have to have building permits outside of towns), sled dogs, very very rough roads....and lots more.  I even met some traveling New Zealanders, one of the highlights of the trip for me.  So..now you know.  For more details, talk to me in person, and I'll be happy to share as much as I can remember, or else show you pictures.


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