Summer Life

June 20, 2007 - Wednesday                  
Current mood:  relaxed
Category: Life

About exactly two months ago, I was looking ahead to this time--"the summer"--with a bit of dread and apprehension. Besides the normal "What will I do with my life" question, the thought of long, quiet days, and dismal, lonely evenings--well, it didn't sound very appealing. Especially compared to the hard-core rush that was swallowing me up and not really giving me a chance to think--which sometimes is kind of nice too.

But as often is the case, I was wrong. (Yes, I can admit it.) Instead, the summer has been such a blessing! Not to say that I don't miss having real, live people around. (Although there are a few, and I must admit I have more of a summer social life than I thought i would). But it's become a time of spiritual healing and rest that can only really happen when time and space is created for it. For me that often translates into: arguing with God in nature. :) But this evening it meant finding peace with God in nature. A peace I haven't really known in a long time.

I know this season will not last forever, and that's ok. I am just glad there are seasons of rest between the storms.

P.S. For those of you who are actually trying to keep up with these writings lately, my apologies. I write when I have time. And apparently, lately, I have time. :) So good luck! And I give my permission for you to give up if necessary. :)

9:55 PM  1 Comments


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