June 17, 2007 - Sunday
almost ready to accept the naturalist in me that I keep ignoring. I am not
sure how in the world it will ever be useful to me in the "real
world," but I can't help but notice and be inspired by all the cool stuff
I find outside!
I was coming back from a walk and was just heading down the driveway to where
it opens up into the large front yard surrounded by woods. I've seen it before,
but tonight I just stopped to take it in and enjoy the show. Throughout the
large opening before me, fireflies flashed intermittently at various places so
that it looked like the woods beyond were sparkling with dazzling golden
sequins! Or like the way it must look on stage in front of thousands of people
who are taking pictures and their flashes go off randomly (I would really have
no idea exactly what that's like, but that's what I imagine it to be like). I
guess you just had to be there. :)
I was reminded again how fireflies are at their most stunning beauty and
brilliance in deepest darkness. Have you ever noticed a firefly in the day
time? They're not much to look at. But see them in the purple twilight, in the
mid-night blue--and any place becomes enchanting. I guess I was just thinking
that perhaps there are times in life that are dark--whether it be a tragic loss
or lack of clarity in life's directions--but it seems that God's brilliant
light can shine its brightest through us at those times. We don't have to
understand it all or even like it, but when we allow His light to take over our
lives even in our darkest hours, not only do we enjoy the warmth He brings us,
but others see the unique beauty in us that is only revealed in the darkness.
So I
want to be a firefly. (And maybe I should revise that to philosophizing
naturalist. ;)
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