A Few Days in the Life of Andrea

July 11, 2007 - Wednesday                  
Current mood:  mellow

Probably not as exciting as it sounds, but here's a few interesting happenings of the week...

1. Seeing a real live black bear lumbering across the trail about 50 yards in front of me and a friend while we were hiking in the Smokies.

2. God answering my prayer for calming the kids at the ESL class this week cause I was not up for the usual craziness. We had heaps of fun coloring, building with blocks, and trading languages. :)

3. Planting a garden with Amanda, Josh, and Luke and a dozen enthusiastic kids at an apartment complex in Red Bank. Between keeping the dirt fights to a minimum, coaching the shoveling and planting, saving plants from early harvesting by three year-olds, and chasing the neighborhood dog out--it was an adventure! I am still praying that the little garden will still be there next week..

4. Accidentally stumbling upon a geocache site on the Biology Trail. (But it's a secret so I can't tell you where it is.)

5. Seeing and being inspired by the documentary "Emmanuel's Gift."

6. God reminding me again how He's led me exactly where I needed to be in the past--which gives me hope that He will do it again as I look and wait for Him to show me my next step.

The End...so far.

10:19 PM


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